Epson have announced their PhotoPC camera, made for them by Sanyo, which looks just like a 35mm (film) compact. It can store 16 "high resolution" (640x480 pixels) or 32 "standard resolution" images on its 1MB of internal flash memory. This memory is expandable. Sensitivity is equivalent to ISO130. The camera features an autofocus (from 2ft to infinity) 5.6 lens of focal length equivalent to a 43mm lens on a 35mm (film) camera and accepts 37mm diameter thread camcorder lens accessories. Shutter is electronic,1/30 to 1/10,000 second. Built-in flash has a range from 3 to 10ft. Images are saved in standard jpeg format. Connection to a PC (DOS only at this stage) is via a serial cable. Size 6.5x3.5x1.9 inches (16.5x9x5 cm), weight about 1lb (450g).
This image of yours truly was taken on the Epson booth at Seybold Boston on 1 March 1996, using the PhotoPC camera. The image has not been adjusted in any way. The original PC jpeg image size was 50KB.